A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Dixie Division was held at Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia, during the Terminus Chapter Train Show on Saturday,
December 5, 2009.
In attendance were:
President Bill Stitt
Vice-President Ed Bonnell
Secretary Don Webb
Treasurer George Baltz
Bob Keller, alternate for Jim Tate, Music City Chapter President
Herman Pierson, alternate for Don Henderson, Volunteer State Chapter President
Bob Kettel, Terminus Chapter President-Elect
Director Tom Kelleher
Director Pete Oreszko
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by President Stitt.
The minutes of the May 2, 2009 Board of Directors meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer Baltz submitted the treasurer’s report dated December 5, 2009, and it was approved. The report reflected a current balance of $ 15,816.21 including a 10 month $5,195.63 CD, and a 13 month $ 5,769.03 CD with Regions Bank. The treasurer’s report will show a separate accounting of Division and Convention Fund income.
President Stitt reported that the new TCA By-Laws passed by roughly 3,300 votes for to 1,200 votes against. The new By-Laws were effective November 1, 2009. He further reported that Weyman Barber (91-34145) has donated trains from his personal collection to the Dixie Division to use for 2012 National Convention needs including the Welcome Party, banquet, door prizes, and other Division future needs.
The Division/Chapter Meet Attendance Contest was again addressed. President Stitt requested a change in Contest rules to award two points for each meet attended in 2009 since the Contest was not well advertised to the membership. A motion was made and passed to award two points for each meet attended by a Dixie Division member starting with the November 7, 2009 Volunteer State Chapter meet. All other Contest rules will remain as previously passed by the Board of Directors.
1. By-Laws
In order for the Division By-Laws to conform with the new National By-Laws, Director Kelleher made a presentation and recommendation to amend the Dixie Division By-Laws. A motion was made and approved to amend the Division By-Laws. Included in these approved changes was a proposal to conform to the new National TCA calendar year of July 1 – June 30, beginning in 2010. Therefore, the new Division By-Laws will be voted on at the membership meeting at the February 27, 2010 meet and then begin the nominations for the Dixie Division Officers and directors-at-large for 2010-2012. The election of Division officers and directors-at-large will be held at the Division meet on May 22, 2010.
2. Meet Status
The next meet will be a Dixie Division meet on February 27, 2010 in Ringgold followed by a Terminus meet on April 3, 2010 to be held at Southern Tech. Bob Keller will host a Dixie Division TCA meet on May 22, 2010 at the Due West United Methodist Church in Marietta, GA.
The Volunteer State Chapter will hold a meet at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Cedar Bluff Road in Knoxville on Saturday, March 13, 2010.
The Terminus fall meet is scheduled for October 9, 2010 at the Cobb County Civic Center. A Music City Chapter meet is scheduled for December 11, 2010 in Nashville.
3. Dixie Flyer 2010 Status
Dixie Flyer to be sent out in mid January 2010. Tom Kelleher will report on the amended Division By-Laws. Bob Keller will present a 2012 Convention report. Multiple meet notices will be included in the Dixie Flyer.
4. 2012 Convention
Bob Keller reported that on September 23 a national representative met with some members of our National Convention committee. He thought we were well prepared with tours in place. Bill Stitt and Gary Guntor are working on convention cars. The committee will meet January 31, 2010 to discuss fundraisers, welcome party pricing, donations for the welcome party, door prizes and the need for volunteers.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Webb
Dixie Division TCA